In Issue #4: Winter 2025 - Happy New Year

Pommes Boulangères
Photo by Dean Cambray

Letter from the Editor-in-chief

Happy New Year, Awesome Readers!

We are eager to share the delicious smorgasbord of stories in this issue! Thank you to all our great writers and photographers. So get a cup of herbal tea and rest in your comfy chair.

We start with a story that brings cozy places to take refuge in while the fierce weather rattles around us. Take the author’s advice: “There’s no shortage of cozy places to ride out the winter in Portland.” The trick is to actually get out and enjoy them. We are heavy on the sweets in this issue but do not be dismayed. The stories offer delicious tastes that contain no refined sugar, gluten, dairy, soy, stabilizers, emulsifiers or additives. Whew!

The restaurant featured in this issue is a bit out of the way in Eugene. But one look at their menu will have you making plans to go south. We are told that the most unusual feature of the dining room is an ode to the past, a vintage silver Airstream parked inside.

The cool kids always want to know what Dana Frank is up to. In this issue, she gives us a High Five!

I’ll mention one more story and leave you to read in peace. What do you know about building garden boxes, mending clothes, tool sharpening, electrical or drywall repair? There are people ready to help you achieve independence from the repairman.

And these are just a few of our stories…

